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Amount of Rooms
Additional Options
Please add a High Chair for an additional $15. (Per Family)
Cost Summary
I am already a member
I am not a member - please add a $1 membership fee.
(Membership will be verified and non-members will be automatically charged $1)
Total: $
Billing Information
Title: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
Country: *
Cell Phone: *
Home Phone:
Email Address: *
Payment Details

Coupon Code:
Your card will be charged $
Please charge my credit card for the full amount    Please charge my credit card the deposit amount of $250 per room
Card Type: *
Card Number: * (with no spaces)
Expiration Month: *
Expiration Year: *
Security Code: *
Additional Information
Seating Request: Please specify if there is anyone you would like to sit with, and we will do our best to accomodate.
How did you hear about us / Where did you see our ad?
Additional Comments: (If you have any special needs or requirements, please state below)

When submitting your registration, your credit card will be charged the above stated amount.
Should there be any changes or additions to your registration, including additional rooms, guests or other options, the charges will be adjusted accordingly.

By clicking register you agree to allow Midwest Agudah Convention to charge your credit card, and agree to the terms of our registration policy.
Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
Midwest Agudah Convention is a non-profit 501c3 organization.
For questions, email convention@agudathisrael-il.org or call P: 773.754.3130 • F: 773.279.9571.

Convention Rates & Information

For questions, email convention@campnageelamidwest.org,tzippyschwarcz@gmail.com,midwestagudahconvention@gmail.com,log@duvys.com or call P: 773.754.3130 • F: 773.279.9571.