Congregation Khal Zichron Yaakov Inc.
512 Caranetta Dr.
Lakewood, NJ 08701
P: (732) 278-2543 • F: (732) 523-4317
K’hal Zichron Yaakov, also known as “Rabbi Gissinger’s shul,” was founded in 1987 with a small group of families on “the other side of the lake.” Rabbi Gissinger’s zt"l goal was to perpetuate the ideals and lifestyle of his rebbe, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt’l. Rabbi Gissinger credited the kehilla’s success to its effort to fulfill the mission of “striving to daven, learn and interact with others in a manner consistent with Rav Yaakov’s teachings and personal example.”
Over the years, as the activities of the kehilla and its Rav expanded, the shul building required expansion as well. On Shavuos, 2006, K’hal Zichron Yaakov moved into a beautifully designed, spacious new building. Built with acoustics in mind, the sound of davening reverberating throughout the majestic new shul stirs instant inspiration in anyone who takes part. In fact, hundreds of mispalellim each day come through K’hal Zichron Yaakov’s doors, taking advantage of its full schedule of Shacharis, Mincha and Maariv minyanim. In this capacity, the shul serves a vital function to the many hundreds of families who now reside “on the other side of the lake.”
The new building has also enabled K’hal Zichron Yaakov to expand its area of activities. These include a well known and well-attended Chol Hamoed learning program, which draws boys from throughout the area; a monthly hosting of the popular “Shmuz;” a “Lunch and Learn” shiur offered throughout the week to provide working men with a re-energizing “learning break;” several Daf Yomi shiurim plus a variety of other shiurim on Shabbos and throughout the week.
The shul’s Rav, Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger, zt"l, was a world-renowned posek. Yet, with his down-to-earth, accessible demeanor, he provided an open door for simple day-to-day shailos as well. From accomplished talmidei chachomim to devoted baalei batim, all can find within it a place to nurture their strengths and grow in their Torah, tefilla and ahavas chesed.
Rabbi Gissinger’s influence, however, reaches far beyond the New England Village neighborhood in which the shul is located. He was a sought-after posek in many complex areas of halacha. He guided couples from Lakewood and all over the world who were seeking help with fertility. His acquired in-depth medical knowledge, added to his expertise in the relevant halachos, have helped countless couples find the assistance they need to bring children into the world. He is also well known for his expertise in the field of kashrus, particularly insect infestation, and is among the pre-eminent poskim, who has done much to raise awareness and standards in this area.